Robotics LLC

Robotics LLC is an international company with representative offices in the USA and Europe, backed by a development team in Belarus. A network of distributors provides sales and service support of our products internationally—in Asia, Europe, and North America


Viktar Khamianok

Overall experience in IT delivery and management is more than 20 years. Co-founder of a number of IT projects. Core expertise - strategy and business development

Mikhail Chuprinsky

With more than 14 years in IT, Mikhail has extensive background in leading international IT projects in the Middle East and the UK. Main focuse within the company is centered on sales and team management

Siarkhei Charomukhin

Over 20 years in managing motor and hardware design projects. Siarkhei has delivered from scratch over 40 custom motion solutions. Key technical supervisor for motion and robotics solution in the company


In all, the company numbers 50+ top professionals—international business experts, including MBA graduates, sales managers, marketeers, and engineers specializing in various fields. Our R&D department engages in innovative research to follow industry trends and to adopt latest inventions into our workflow. The software and embedded engineering teams work to enhance controllability and usability of our products. The mechanical engineering team, mostly comprising specialists with over 10+ years of experience, designs our hardware to be robust and reliable. And LIVE Tech support services to top it all off.

Our mission is to transform the way people live toward higher standards through facilitating adoption and utilization of robotic technologies. We believe in a world where robots work side-by-side with people to improve living standards: while robots do routine dull jobs, people can embrace creativity. Robotics also aspires to contribute to the growth of robotics community and industry on a larger scale, through delivering cutting-edge solutions and engaging in collaboration projects.

Robotics runs the entire manufacturing cycle—from in-house research and development to designing components and assembling them into plug-and-use solutions. We have established and do our best to maintain a quality assurance and control system. Our QA engineers supervise software and hardware delivery throughout stages, cooperating closely with users to improve our products.

In addition to standard off-the-shelf supplies, the company offers customization services. Our approach is to develop and implement exact-fit solutions rather than simply building around the features we have in stock